Published On:
March 13, 2024

Quick Guide On How Often To Clean House

Maintaining a clean and tidy home not only enhances its appearance but also contributes to a healthy living environment for you and your family. However, the frequency of cleaning tasks can vary based on different factors such as the size of your home, the number of occupants, and your lifestyle.

To help you navigate the task of cleaning, let's delve into a quick guide on how often you should clean various areas of your house. If you find yourself needing move-out cleaning in Singapore, consider professional services to ensure a thorough and efficient cleaning process.

How Frequently Does an Average Person Clean Their House?

The cleaning habits of the average person can vary widely, influenced by factors such as work schedules, family responsibilities, and personal preferences. However, experts advise a general guideline to ensure a consistently clean and healthy home environment.

How Often Should I Do House Cleaning?


Daily tasks include wiping down kitchen counters with a damp cloth and soapy water to prevent the buildup of bacteria, scrubbing the kitchen sink with hot, soapy water to remove dirt and germs from dishes and food remnants, and cleaning bathroom surfaces with a disinfectant to keep them free of harmful bacteria.


Weekly cleaning tasks involve more thorough attention to areas such as the inside of the microwave with soapy water or a microwave-safe cleaner, wiping down oven surfaces and cleaning oven racks, and scrubbing shower and bathtub surfaces to prevent soap scum and grime buildup.


Monthly cleaning tasks include checking the refrigerator for expired food items, wiping down cabinet exteriors, and vacuuming upholstered furniture and cushions to remove dust and dirt.


Semi-annually, it's time for tasks like scheduling a professional carpet cleaning to remove deep-seated dirt and allergens, cleaning the fireplace and chimney for safety, and deep cleaning other surfaces like walls and ceilings to remove accumulated dust and dirt.


Annually, consider tasks such as scheduling a professional carpet cleaning to refresh the entire carpeted area of your home, cleaning the fireplace and chimney to prevent the buildup of soot and debris, and deep cleaning other surfaces such as walls and ceilings to maintain a clean and healthy home environment for you and your family.

Essential Chores to Do at Home

Dispose of Waste

One of the basic chores in any home is emptying the bins. Whether it's the kitchen trash or bathroom wastebaskets, regularly emptying and replacing bin liners helps prevent odors and keeps pests away.

Refresh Towels

Towels can harbor bacteria and germs, especially when they stay damp for too long. To maintain hygiene, replace your towels at least once a week, or more frequently if they are used heavily.

Mop Floors

Mopping the floor not only keeps it clean but also removes dirt and grime that can accumulate over time. For hard floors, use a suitable cleaner and mop at least once a week, focusing on high-traffic areas.

Vacuum Floors

Carpets and rugs trap dust, dirt, and allergens, so regular vacuuming is essential. Aim to vacuum carpets at least once a week, more often if you have pets or allergies.

Sanitize the Kitchen Sink

The kitchen sink can harbor bacteria from dirty dishes and food scraps. Clean it daily with hot, soapy water and a microfiber cloth to keep it sparkling clean and hygienic.

Swap Out Kitchen Sponge

Kitchen sponges are a breeding ground for bacteria. Replace them frequently, ideally every week, or sanitize them by microwaving them on high for a minute.

Use New Bedsheets and Pillowcases

Bed linens should be changed at least once a week to remove sweat, dead skin cells, and dust mites. This simple task promotes better sleep and keeps your bed fresh.

Sanitize the Toilets and Bathrooms

Bathrooms are prone to bacteria and grime, so regular cleaning is a must. Scrub toilet bowls, sinks, and showers with a disinfectant at least once a week.

Clean Your Refrigerator

Over time, spills and expired food can lead to odors and bacteria growth in the fridge. Aim to clean the inside of your fridge once a month, removing items, wiping down surfaces with hot, soapy water, and tossing out old or expired items.

Launder Curtains

Curtains collect dust and allergens, especially if they're near open windows. Wash them every few months, following the manufacturer's instructions.

Window Cleaning

Dirty windows can obscure natural light and affect the ambiance of a room. Clean them at least twice a year, inside and out, using a glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth.

Tips for Maintaining a Well-Organized Cleaning Routine

1. Establish Daily Cleaning Tasks

To keep your home consistently clean, establish daily cleaning tasks that can be incorporated into your routine. These tasks include wiping down kitchen surfaces, such as countertops and the kitchen table, with a damp cloth and soapy water. Additionally, sweep floors to remove dirt and debris, and clean spills promptly to prevent stains. Daily tasks ensure that your home remains tidy and free of surface dirt.

2. Designate Weekly Deep Cleaning Sessions

Set aside specific days each week for more thorough cleaning sessions. During these times, focus on tasks like vacuuming carpets and rugs to remove dust and allergens. Use a microfiber cloth to dust furniture and light fixtures, paying attention to high-traffic areas where dust tends to accumulate. Mop hard floors with hot water and a suitable cleaner to remove grime and maintain their appearance.

3. Create a Monthly Cleaning Checklist

Create a monthly cleaning checklist to address tasks that require less frequent attention. This includes cleaning inside appliances such as the microwave and dishwasher, wiping down kitchen cabinets and light switches, and washing curtains. Monthly tasks help prevent the buildup of dirt and grime in overlooked areas of your home.

4. Consider Seasonal Cleaning

As seasons change, certain cleaning tasks become more critical. For example, in the fall, focus on cleaning and inspecting the fireplace to ensure it's ready for use. During spring, deep clean windows and remove dirt and dust from window sills and tracks. Seasonal cleaning helps maintain your home's cleanliness and prepares it for different weather conditions.

5. Consider Professional Services

For those with busy schedules or needing a deeper cleaning, consider professional services to maintain a good cleaning schedule. Contact Nimbus Homes for a thorough house cleaning service in Singapore. Professional cleaners can tackle hard-to-reach areas, provide deep cleaning for carpets and upholstery, and ensure a comprehensive cleaning routine. Outsourcing certain tasks to professionals not only saves time but also ensures your home receives the attention it needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should I wash my bedsheets and pillowcases?

Bedsheets and pillowcases should be washed regularly to remove sweat, oils, and allergens. Aim to wash them at least once a week, especially if you sweat heavily during sleep or have allergies. Using hot water and a mild detergent helps kill germs and ensures a fresh and clean bed.

2. How do I clean high-traffic areas effectively?

High-traffic areas such as entryways, hallways, and living rooms can accumulate dirt and dust quickly. To clean these areas effectively, vacuum or sweep them at least once a week, paying extra attention to corners and under furniture. Use a damp microfiber cloth to wipe down surfaces, including light switches and doorknobs, to remove fingerprints and germs.

3. How often should I vacuum carpets?

Vacuum carpets at least once a week, more frequently in high-traffic areas or households with pets. Regular vacuuming removes dirt, dust, and allergens, improving indoor air quality.

4. How do I clean bathroom surfaces effectively?

To scrub bathroom surfaces, use a disinfectant cleaner or a mixture of hot water and vinegar. Scrub surfaces thoroughly, including sinks, countertops, showers, and toilets. Pay attention to grout lines and corners where dirt and bacteria can accumulate.

5. What is the best way to maintain a good cleaning schedule?

To maintain a good cleaning schedule, establish daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal tasks. Use a calendar or cleaning checklist to stay organized and track your progress. Delegate tasks among family members and adapt the schedule as needed based on changing circumstances.