Published On:
December 1, 2023

How to Remove Mould from Walls Without Damaging Paint

The presence of mould not only poses health risks but can also damage the aesthetics of the walls of our homes, may it be bathroom walls or painted walls, so it's no surprise that we'll do everything to remove them. However, dealing with mould growth can be a frustrating and challenging task, especially on painted walls when we want to preserve their integrity.

In this article, I will guide you through the process of mold removal from painted walls, doing it safely and effectively, and how to prevent mould from coming back.

What Causes Mold Growth On Painted Walls?

Mold growth on painted walls can be caused by several factors, including high moisture levels, poor ventilation, and water damage. If there is excess moisture in the air or if the walls are exposed to water from leaks, flooding, or condensation, it can create a damp environment that is ideal for mold growth.

Lack of proper ventilation can also contribute to mold growth by trapping moisture and preventing it from drying out. Additionally, if the paint on the walls is old or damaged, it can be one of the porous surfaces in your home where mold spores can attach to and grow.

Identifying a Mold Problem

To identify mold growth on painted walls, there are a few signs you can look at:

Tips for Removing Mold Over Painted Walls

Removing mold from painted walls may seem like a daunting task, but it's essential for your health and the integrity of your home. Here are some tips you can follow to help you remove mould from painted walls without damaging the paint.

Identify the Source

Before you start the cleaning process to get rid of mould, it's crucial to identify the source of the mould growth. For example, if there's a leak or a water issue, you need to address it first. Otherwise, the mould will continue to grow, and you'll find yourself in a never-ending cycle of cleaning.

It's important to note that excess humidity is a significant factor contributing to mould growth in various areas, including crawl spaces, windows, bedding, couches, exterior corners, ceiling and exterior wall junctures, furniture and contents, and window frames and sills.

High humidity levels can create a favourable environment for mould to thrive, leading to its growth on organic compounds and materials. Common sources of excess humidity include poor ventilation, inadequate construction practices, delayed or insufficient maintenance, leaking roofs and pipes, high humidity, unvented combustion appliances, cooking, showering, and inefficient HVAC systems.

Gather Your Supplies and Protective Clothing

Next, you need to gather the supplies you'll need for the cleaning method you'll be following. You'll need a bucket, a scrub brush or damp sponge, a scraper, and a cleaning solution. It's also essential to wear protective clothing such as rubber gloves, goggles, and a mask to prevent exposure to airborne spores which may cause or trigger some health problems.

Prepare the Area You'll Be Cleaning

Once you gathered your supplies and worn safety gear, it's now time to prepare the area that you'll be cleaning and its surroundings. Open windows and turn on exhaust fans to ensure good ventilation while you're working.

Make sure to collect and remove unsalvageable materials (i.e., porous materials and heavily-infected materials) from painted and wallpapered walls. You may also use plastic sheeting to cover furniture and other large items and seal it with duct tape to prevent spreading the mould growth to the unaffected areas.

Prepare the Cleaning Solution You'll Be Using

There are several cleaning solutions you can use for removing mould from painted walls. Here are some of the most effective ones:

White Vinegar Solution

To prepare a white vinegar solution to clean walls infected by mould, you will need white distilled vinegar, water, and a spray bottle. Unlike bleach, which may not be effective in removing all types of mould, white vinegar can be a natural and safer alternative. Here's how you can make the solution:

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is another effective cleaning agent that can kill mould spores.

To prepare a hydrogen peroxide solution to clean walls infected by mould, you can follow these steps:

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural cleaning agent that can help kill mold and also deodorize the area. To prepare a baking soda paste to clean walls infected by mould, you can follow these steps:

Avoid Using Bleach Solution

While bleach is a common cleaning agent, it's not recommended to remove mold from painted walls, mainly because of its effectiveness, aesthetic, and health issues. Here are some reasons why you should avoid using bleach solution on the affected area:

Remove Surface Mold by Gentle Scrubbing

The cleaning solutions mentioned above can be applied to the moldy area and scrubbed gently with a brush until the stain comes off completely. Use a scrub brush to gently scrub the surface mould away. Make sure to use gentle scrubbing techniques and avoid scrubbing too hard, as it can damage the paint.

Use a Scraper for Stubborn Mold Growth

If gentle scrubbing doesn't work, you can use a plastic putty knife or paint scraper. Hold the scraper at a slight angle and carefully scrape off the mould from the painted surface. Be cautious not to damage the paint or the underlying wall.

After scraping off the mould, it's important to clean the area thoroughly to remove any remaining spores. You can use a mixture of household detergent and water or other cleaning solutions like vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or baking soda. Rinse the walls with clean water and dry them completely.

Can You Paint Over Moulded Walls?

While it's possible to paint over moulded walls, it's also important to properly clean and treat the mould before painting. Simply painting over mould without addressing the underlying issue can lead to further mould growth and damage to the paint.

To prepare the walls for painting, follow the cleaning methods outlined above. Make sure to rinse the walls with clean water upon cleaning, wipe clean the surface, and then allow them to dry completely. Follow these procedures by applying a mould-resistant primer to the walls before painting to prevent future mould growth. Finally, apply a mould-resistant paint to the walls.

When to Contact Mold Remediation Professionals

Professional providers of mould removal Singapore services have the expertise and equipment to remove mould safely and effectively. You should contact experts like our highly-trained staff at Nimbus Homes to address your mold problem over your painted walls in the following situations:

How to Prevent Mold Growth

Preventing mould growth is key to maintaining a healthy home. Here are some tips for preventing mould growth:

Final Words

Mould growth on painted walls can be a significant concern for homeowners. But with the right tools and techniques, you can remove the mould without damaging the paint. Remember to wear protective clothing, use a gentle cleaning solution, and address the source of the mould growth.

Most importantly, if you're unable to remove the mould yourself or if the mould problem is too extensive for you to handle on your own, don't hesitate to contact mould remediation professionals like Nimbus Homes.